About Us

The Profile
Since 2006, The Speech-Mechanic has been providing life- changing solutions to people with speech- language challenges in the Charlotte area and beyond. Some primary areas of focus include the following, but are not limited to them:
Expressive- Receptive Language Disorders
Speech Sound Disorders
School- age and Adolescent Language and Literacy
Reading Comprehension
Phonological/ Morphological Awareness Training
Bilingual Speech -Language Disorders and Development
Working Memory
Counseling/ Consulting
Parental coaching

What They Have Not Told You:
The Speech-Mechanic is considered a "Pioneer" in the area of bilingual speech-language pathology in th state of North Carolina. In fact, the Speech-Mechanic is the absolute first to begin providing bilingual speech-language evaluations and therapy services to Spanish speaking families in the Charlotte area. Sessions and interactions with family members were strictly done in Spanish. The results have always been outstanding and the relationships with the families have remained long-lasting.
Success with this community is achieved the same way it is with every one that has walked through the door of this practice: By building strong connections and by integrating fresh, innovative ideas when traditional ones are not enough.

Thought Behind Every Decision:
Every decision that is made at the Speech-Mechanic is guided by two prinicple statements: its Misision Statement and Belief or Philosophy. Whether it pertains to a therapy approach, the type of evaluation that will be conducted, or any activity that is done on the behalf of the client, it must align with the MIssion and the Belief.

Mission Statement
To be a leading provider of communication services that empower individuals to access opportunities for success.

Everyone is born with language acquisition potential that needs to be developed and refined through diverse experiences.
Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
The sectors of education and healthcare continue to struggle with inequity, inequality, and other deplorable forms of racism. The discipline of speech- language pathology is not exempt. Since opening its door to the community, the Speech- Mechanic consistently has been vocal and firm on its stance concerning those issues and the need for change. In addition to speaking out, it has taken actionable steps that include:
Making financial investments and continuing education that address understanding and interacting with people from culturally and linguistically different backgrounds.
Building a vast collection of standardized tests and informal assessments. This means that everyone is not given the same set of tests or exams just because of their immediate availability or popularity.
Using materials that reflect a client’s cultural heritage or background
Belonging to organizations like the Charlotte Latin American Chamber of Commerce, volunteering, patronizing, and supporting businesses and events in the communities of its clients.
Providing workshops and seminars that educate professionals while introducing best practice solutions.